Windows Vista Vista ... bits-n-pieces all on one CD


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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Microsoft plans to market several versions of Vista but will distribute all of the OS bits with every product shipped so users can easily unlock and step up to more full-featured versions using electronic keys, sources said. "No matter which edition you buy you get all the bits and a key to unlock it. Everyone will have all the bits," said one source familiar with Microsoft's plans. "Right now we maintain master images for each version of Windows XP and it's a lot of work. Now there's just one master image."

Having a master Windows Vista operating system means customers that buy PCs preloaded with one Vista SKU, Home Basic, for example, will be able to punch their credit card into a Microsoft Web site to unlock Vista Home Premium and more speedily deploy media center features without an on-site visit or requiring a wipe and reload of the system. The impact on the channel will be "huge" since partners will no longer have to support multiple Windows images for each customer or do reloads, sources familiar with Microsoft's plans said this week. It will also make up-selling much easier and vastly expand channel opportunities, the sources said.

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Hackers Paradise :D
chelseafc2005 said:
i dont understand tht article what does it mean??
I worry about you ... :p

It means ... Vista will carry ALL the different "versions" on one CD ... like having XP Home & Pro on one CD and you "pay" to unlock the one you want with a Key.

Vista will be ariving in three flavours, I believe, but you'll only buy one CD

Crackers will have a feild-day ... :rolleyes:
ok now i get it there were too many ...long words in the article. But with these numbers people will just be ahring them and as you said hackers wil have the time of their lives when is vista released??
they cant have thought this through properly, unless they have amazing security they'll lose soo much money
they wont lose money they just wont mkae as much i guess that vist will be very very expensive anyways and not that high a %will actually steal the number to get the software alot of people will buy it so i doubt microsoft will lose out on it due to their very high prices
They'll have so much on the fly security (as everyone is online now), that they may be able to disable illegal copies remotely perhaps?

The "all in one" CD would be very handy for businesses! I wonder how much it will cost though.
Maybe they will say £3.99 for a CD and then you choose which you want when you install - starting at probably £70.00 up to £140.00

I wouldn't put it past them to charge that much.
christopherpostill said:
Maybe they will say £3.99 for a CD and then you choose which you want when you install - starting at probably £70.00 up to £140.00

I wouldn't put it past them to charge that much.
Wishfull thinking ... XP Pro is still selling, in some stores, for over £200. :rolleyes:

We will find out, providing we see it this year, what the price will be ... when it comes out. :D