Windows XP Startup Delayer - anything known please?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
A PC magazine was recently recommending a download called " Startup Delayer" on the website it says:

When Windows loads it's Startup file, it attempts to load every program in there at the same time. Therefore if you have quite a lot of programs starting when Windows starts, each program will try and grab CPU time so that it can load.

If each program tries to do this at the same time, you soon notice the slow down that occurs, due to your CPU trying to help all the programs to load, and your hard disk accessing multiple files.

Startup Delayer allows you to setup how many seconds after Windows has started, to load each program.

Just wondering what the Expert Opinion would be of this programme, whether it is likely to be genuinely helpful, or just something else to confuse the bewildered :D

Thank you for looking :)
imo, pointless. :)

I just manage my start up programs myself.
While slow startup is a concern of many users using a program to further slow-down that process is a laugh. :D

You can quite happily remove anything you like from the "Startup" folder ... no essential software should be loaded there. However, you find lazy software writers doing just this ... thanks Logitech, I think NOT! :rolleyes:

I'm using Logitech as an example, if I remove their "Setpoint" software I can no longer use the buttons on the mouse as I have defined ... the mouse still works, I just loose the ability to pre-program the buttons to my whims.

You do not "need" Boinc in your startup ... but it is easier to leave it there than try to remember to start it yourself after a reboot. :D

The same can be said for the "programs" in your Task Bar, on the right by the the clock. Setpoint is there also :rolleyes: for fecks sake it's even in my "Services", come on Logitech, once is enough. I need to change the brand of mice. ;)

My advice ... don't bother with this 'program', learn instead how to "configure" your system to your needs. :thumb:

What PC magazine suggested using this program ?

Bloody mags cause some headaches with their suggestions all the time ... at least you have the sense to ask for "real" advice. :thumb:

muckshifter said:
What PC magazine suggested using this program ?

Bloody mags cause some headaches with their suggestions all the time ... at least you have the sense to ask for "real" advice. :thumb:


I saw the programme featured amongst "30 Fresh Downloads" in "ComputerActive" mag, but to be honest, I was more curious than anything because in their explanation they stated that:

Windows is so literal that it tries to load everything in the startup file at the same time, with the inevitable result - everything bumps into everything else in comical electronic fashion

To me, this suggested that even if one configured the Start Up programmes, the programme would further speed up the process by having things load-up "one at a time." So, finding this a bit intriguing, I thought best place to ask about it would be here. It gave me visions of files lining up politely saying "after you..." "no, after you, I insist" :lol:

ooh, be careful with those 'mags' they can be detrimental to the health of your PC. ;)

Computer Active is a nice, well thought out, informative, but I suggest you always look for other 'opinions' to their suggestions, especially on hardware. :D

The last time I bought CA it was 99p :thumb:

muckshifter said:
ooh, be careful with those 'mags' they can be detrimental to the health of your PC. ;)

Computer Active is a nice, well thought out, informative, but I suggest you always look for other 'opinions' to their suggestions, especially on hardware. :D

The last time I bought CA it was 99p :thumb:

Hee-hee :D yes, it was only 99p when we began to buy it too.

Good advice there Mucks - I have discovered in the past, (pre-PCR membership) that some of the advice didn't always go quite as planned, :rolleyes: hence my reason for checking these days :nod:

Thanks for your time again :thumb: TC
With that new rig of yours start up should be over before you have time to blink
Yes AB...I'm looking forward to that - one week gone, just another couple to go...:thumb: :D
Taffycat said:
Yes AB...I'm looking forward to that - one week gone, just another couple to go...:thumb: :D

Still to arrive eh , I thought you were already using it , my mistake
Abarbarian said:
Still to arrive eh , I thought you were already using it , my mistake

No AB still using the laptops at present.... but I'm being ever so patient....... honestly :rolleyes: :D