Windows XP Sendiing emails to .org address


Proud Cruncher
Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
I have a friend who just purchased a new puter (so everything is a clean install).
Sending emails to ordinary addresses using Outlook Express is fine but she gets an error message when trying to send to .org or .gov addresses.
The message is along the lines of "Your computer is not configured to send mail to this type of address"
Anyone have an idea of what and how to configure OE to solve this problem

OE does not have any "configurations" to the extention of an email address ... something else is wrong.

Thanks for the reply.
I wondered if the emails needed to be digitally signed - but that would mean the recipient would never get 99% of mails sent to them :confused:

Sorry Covenant, I cannot help much with OE, I use Google mail, OE is only a basic email program ...

Are you sure the address is correct and your ISP and recipients email servers are responding correctly?

I'm going to see the machine tomorrow, and taking WinsockFix (excellent bit of software by the way - really good for fixing internet errors where the machine can get onto the net but can't get any pages up). I'll let you know what I find.


This particular provider (fsbdial) needs the "My server requires authentication" box to be ticked in the account settings. If it's not ticked you can receive emails but not send them.
