PSI 2.0 Beta released


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
We are happy to announce the immediate availability of the Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) 2.0 Beta.

We hope you will take the opportunity to join the last part of the testing phase before Secunia PSI 2.0 goes "Final". By joining the beta you can help make the new Secunia PSI 2.0 a better product which hopefully will help millions of users securing themselves against the threat from having unpatched programs.

Read more in the official blog:

An improvement as I have graphics now ;)

Thanks for the heads up Mucks - Secunia PSI is one of the most useful tools and something I always stick on any PC I use :).

This version looks a lot better on the eyes :nod:
Have this installed on all my PC's...Its a must!
Pants..Beta 2.0 don't work on XP. I nstalled it. Goto start menu and click on it. Screen flashes up quick then vanishes. I uninstaled and re-instaled and the same...
is that XP SP3

EvanDavis said:
Pants..Beta 2.0 don't work on XP. I nstalled it. Goto start menu and click on it. Screen flashes up quick then vanishes. I uninstaled and re-instaled and the same...
It is Beta, you may wanna tell/post at Secunia, I see no reports of such a problem.

There is always the current version you can run.

Well thats why its called a Beta!

It will have bugs and other small probs that need ironing out and will need reporting..Remember XP is an old operating system now and isn't as well supported by software companies as it once was..
muckshifter said:
It is Beta, you may wanna tell/post at Secunia, I see no reports of such a problem.

There is always the current version you can run.


Going to have to tell them about both. Neither work for me. I go start menu > Scan.... > click on it and a screen flashes up and vanishes...So nieiher the Beta or current version work on XP for me. It used to work before I did a fresh install about 2 weeks ago. Time to contact them I suppose :-)