Outlook - Accessing mail digital signature

Jun 12, 2008
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This question is related to Outlook.

I am trying to write an application which captures the New_Mail event to pick up the email (into MailItem Object) and then what I wish to do is:
1. To know if the mail has been digitally signed (I believe this can be done by checking the MailItem.MessageClass property) and
2. If yes then I wish to verify the digital signature and then do some processing if the digital signature is verified.

I am using the Microsoft Outlook/Office 12 Object Library with VB.NET (can also use VBA) I have Outlook 2007 installed.

The first problem is I am unable to find any property which gives me access to the digital signature attached to the email and the second problem is, when I get the digital signature, how do I verify it.

Please do reply I am really stuck with this!