Windows Vista OEMs Unveil Their Windows Vista Upgrade Plans


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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The leading OEMs have unveiled their Vista upgrade plans, and so far Dell is the only vendor planning to charge customers who buy certain PCs for the move.

I would like to point out here that, nobody in there right mind would want Vista Basic ... there you go Dell.

If you haven't already, I recommend a quick read ...

... ignore my quip remark, I'm still buying Vista.
Nice post there Muck's...

This is enough to make anyone laugh though...Vista Starter version Indeed

It can only access 256MBs of RAM, and you can only run three applications on it at a time. This isn't a 21st-century operating system. It's a bad joke even as a 20th-century one.

What the hell do microsquift think their playing at releasing rubbish like this...Wake up Microsquish.....What is all that about..:mad:
crazylegs said:
Nice post there Muck's...

This is enough to make anyone laugh though...Vista Starter version Indeed

What the hell do microsquift think their playing at releasing rubbish like this...Wake up Microsquish.....What is all that about..:mad:
I won't be "on sale" or at least not legitimately ... don't get confused with Vista Starter & Vista Basic, I did, you do not want either anyway.

Vista Starter is aimed at 3rd world countries AND in conjunction with those free-ish £100 laptops ... amicable, if it works, but I get the feeling it is more like free drugs to get you hooked and then pay through the nose.

There is really only two Vista's that warrant purchase ... Vista Premium, as in XP Home ... and, Vista Business, ans in XP Pro ... if you have the dosh, then Enterprise (beam me up Scotty) has the lot, but is not far above Business as far as I can see.

The RC1 & RC2 Vista are Enterprise versions ... people who are using these RCs are in for quite a shock when they see what Vista Basic can NOT do.

The other thing to note is ... there will only be one DVD that actually contains all the Vista's, depending on your licence, depends on what is installed ... if you then need to upgrade, just pop the DVD back in the drive with your new licence number. All done online I believe too.

As the next "Service Pack" for XP is scheduled for 2008 I see a lot of people just going out an buying Vista.

MS sure have all the markets "preparing" for Vista's release ... a lot of incentives are being given to OEMs like MS giving them free upgrades if you buy a new PC today. Yep today 26th Oct. ;)