Windows 7 Microsoft Drops Family Guy


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Microsoft has been sponsoring Family Guy to promote Windows 7 but has now pulled out.

Story HERE

They say that Family Guy features "tasteless" jokes. That makes me tasteless too because I find the show very funny. :D
nivrip said:
They say that Family Guy features "tasteless" jokes. That makes me tasteless too because I find the show very funny. :D

In all honesty I don'tknow how they even went though with it to start with. I wouldn't call it tasteless, but I will say it is a show more for open minded people. Honestly though if I wasn't as open minded and free thinking as I am. I would say there is a hell of a lot of the shows that are actually quite disgusting. They seem to get away with all the ism's in the dictionary and that before they have even got onto the insest etc that has been broadcast. Niv I wouldn't say you are "tasteless" just very broad minded like myself...

Edit: Broadminded does not mean to say I condone some of the dtuff they portray in the shows....
Family guy wouldn't be funny if it was "PC". Humour is very subjective, so it's not something that everyone will enjoy - but I find it hilarious :nod: