Mailwasher/Avast Compatibility


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Hi All,
Anybody out there heard of any compatibility problems with Mailwasher and Avast? In a (very) deep recess of my mind I seem to remember this being the case a couple of years back but I cannot be certain. I think the two were linked to crashing and freezing problems which I had at the time. I later changed Avast to AVG and I seem to get very little in the way of freezing problems now, although it does happen occasionally.
Has anyone else had similar problems?
I take it from the lack of replies that no-one has had any experience of this as a problem.
I guess not, I've not used that combination myself - it may be worth double checking with the Mailwasher forums to confirm :)
nivrip said:
I take it from the lack of replies that no-one has had any experience of this as a problem.
A good assumption ... maybe due to the fact that a lot of people do not use that combination, and if they do, probably do not have a problem. :D

No. Nothing in the Mailwasher forums. Thanks anyway.