Linux saves Aussie electrical grid


Sep 30, 2005
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"A Windows virus hit the networks of Integral Energy and, according to a submission to Slashdot, the virus managed to spread to the operator display consoles in the control room.

Quick thinking techies in the control systems department of the utility swapped the infected Windows boxes for machines running Linux that they were using for development.

The move prevented the virus from taking over all the operator displays in the control room."

He he I just could not resist posting this.

floppybootstomp said:
I swear one more mention of ******* Linux and I'm going to shoot somebody :mad:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Leave 'im alone, he's the "one-man-linux-band" ... don't you like the tune?

It's true

A middle aged man living in Vermont, Newfoundland, claims that Linux irrefutably proved to him that there is a God.

And renowned scientists from many worldwide establishments admit his claim may well be founded in truth.

Barry Gray, 47, told reporters from his hillside rural retreat that after installing Ubuntu and logging in as Root he became aware of a smooth but powerful light source emanating from the horizon when he looked through his lounge window.

Barry became fascinated by the light and simultaneously logged into The Konsole and started typing code.

The more he gave instructions to the open source operating system, the brighter the light became until eventually a shining golden globe hung suspended above his lawn outside his window.

My Gray, a local balsa wood furniture maker, wrenched himself away from Ubuntu and ventured outside his home to check the apparition.

There he claims that the light changed into a definite image of a God Like figure that spoke to him. God told Barry: ‘I am all-seeing, I know all humans and there ain’t no Santa Claus on the evening Stage’.

And with that God disappeared, leaving Mr Gray to ponder on his message and tend to his blinking cursor.

Professor Vanden Das Blinkansop, a noted academic at Vermont University confirmed the siting of the golden sphere and said such a siting and message was ‘Highly possible’ giving Credence to Mr Gray’s claims.

These happenings can only add further evidence to the oft spouted claims by Linux enthusiasts that Linux in fact was created by Holy Angels and that all Windows Operating Systems are the spawn of Beezlebub, nothing less than the Devil’s creation.
Linux 'Cure for common cold'

Reported in The Lancet 6th October 2009:

Doctors have reported several instances of an open source computer operating system being a likely source as a cure for the common cold.

Whilst medical professionals have searched for centuries for a cure for this malady it seems that individuals using Linux Distributions may have inadvertantly found a way to gain relief from the sniffles.

During the last six months General Practitioners have noted an alarming increase in patients claiming their colds were cured instantly as soon as they logged in as Root.

Dr Ivor Coldjab said from his Preston Surgery 'It seems all those patients who were suffering from the common cold, aches, shivers, sneezes, runny noses, an inclination to tell everyone they were actually suffering from flu, and generally feeling a bit crap' were instantly restored to full health as soon as they ditched Windows and installed one of the more popular distributions of Linux.

Based on these reports, the official UK National Health Service stance is to recommend that those who wish to be cold-free should ditch Bill Gates' behometh and use Suse, Mint or Damn Small Linux.
floppybootstomp said:
I swear one more mention of ******* Linux and I'm going to shoot somebody :mad:


Facts is facts. ;)

As to the cold cure. me doctor recomends mints for helping witht the effects of a cold. I always thought she meant them white sweets not the Mint OS. Modern medicin ain't half coming up with some suprising discoveries.
"I prefer an OS made by programmers that need marketing to an OS made by marketing that need programmers... Use Linux!"

"The best Windows accelerator is that which works at 9.81m/s2"

Couldn't resist... been "working" with that
"OS" for the last two days.


XP - "Look, Lemmings -- a Cliff!"

I was actually forcing myself that all is true but come to think of it since I started using Linux Mint I have not had any cold or flu symptoms, Aaaaaaachoooooooo!
Thats really strange Quad

Ever since I started using Puppy Linux I keep getting urges to wrap myself in Andrex.




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