latest removal of AXEL.DAV

Aug 27, 2007
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I have been browsing for months to find CURRENT removal help for the AXEL.DAV problem that has ruined my computer. I am desperate and ..... computer handicapped. I have read removal instructions from other websites and I just cry at the site of the page after page instructions that might as well be in Arabic. Naturally I have deleted the bazillion files with Axel.dav attached to it. I have system restored/recovered (using brand new discs from HP) at least 6 -8 times, each time losing files and sometimes the audio on my computer. Sometimes the restore doesn't even complete because of so many missing files. I have downloaded security system after security system, just to lose it all with the next restore. Evidently this is an undetectable virus or malware with ANY security system. I can not let my screen idle for more than 3 minutes or it freezes and I have to do the recovery again. It's just an endless daily struggle to keep my computer running. PLEASE HELP ME with kindergarten age instructions. I can not live with out my puter!
This may help your going to have to read some of these and determine best course of action there is no "simple" fix it hides in sys restore and drivers ect it uses a file called "run and hide" or something close it will write code then delete itself making it even harder to detect your going to have to clean your restore disks anyhow go here

I hope this helps tread carfully if you read some of them you may see something or may not that will pop into you head, If I come accross anything better I post it sorry I couldent give you a "Simple" fix.

If vbs_redlof.A has renamed and removed files I am relatively sure It cannot be fixed:(

In any event the concensus seems to be it's a German born viral and seems to be extremely effective at renaming and removing files... you MAY be out of luck not sure yet.
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Alf said:
Desperate times calll for desperate measures.
Wipe that slate clean with a reformat.

Do Not Reformat...(Red Alert Danger Will Robinson)!!!

AXEL.DAV sometimes will lay dormant in your system untill you reformat that WILL trigger it for sure! If it hasent been already. But according to what youve already posted it has already ran Amok in your system, there are times to reach right in with both hands and then there are times when your best course of action is to get "on site professional HELP" if it can even be helped at this point this is one of those times, And what your best course of action is in all probability is to Forget any and all files on your old HD DO NOT Attempt to salvage anything whatsoever... If you do or even manage to recover any of those files your setting yourself up for disaster, and I mean you have a 100% chance of infecting your New HD. You know the one you havent even bought yet, At this point I would consider myself lucky if my system could be saved at all.

Like I said Consult a Professional and what I mean by this is not to say(Never would I suggest) that this site is not full of and run by extremely capable and highly knowledgable people because it most certainly is, However they arent sitting at your computer terminal, You are.. and this is something so complicated that data is being lost in translation and almost impossible to fix Via chat posts, I am in no way being a smart ass either But you yourself said you were not very technically proficient with your computer, It makes it all the harder...

I need all the help I can coax myself so I have been there trust me.

I would seriously consider at the very least getting some hands on help if you havent already.
Just because you remove your HD does NOT mean you have gotten rid of the problem trust me.
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Listen guys, I think that the biggest reason we can not sometimes quickly get rid of viruses is because we, as the computer techs, always go for the harder routes to removal first. I began hard trying to remove axel.dav and it did no good. Everytime I boot the computer I get an error message saying windows could not find the following files: axel.dav. I am only thirteen and I think I have found a cure. Firstly I would like to say there are two instances of this axel.dav dll. They are both viruses but one targets any important documents and deletes them, and I am disappointed to say that I have not found out what the other one does. This is a virus planted by some idiot in Europe called Axel Davis, he has planted it in only HP computers/ Compaq. I believe that they are in the recovery cd's, or in the recovery partition of the computer.


Go to start and Press the run icon, once opened type in "msconfig". The system configuration utility should come up. Once opened go through all the tabs and uncheck anything that has the name axel.dav in it. I think the only two tabs that may have this are "boot" and "startup". Make sure you go to the startup tab because thats our main target, uncheck any instances of axel.dav, press apply, and just press okay to any messages that may come up. When asked to restart, press exit without restart. Now go to start and press on search. Now press all files and folders. In the first box of the search utility, type in "axel" and press enter. While it is searching press "stop", and then press "Change whether hidden and system files are included". Then check "Expanded", and now once again press "search". It will now search both normal and hidden system files for the axel.dav virus. Let the search end and then highlight any instances of "axel.dav", right click and press delete, it will ask if your sure you want to delete this because it is a system file just press "yes to all." Now WAIT do not close search make sure you ALSO delete anything called "axel.dav startup", the files that you have just deleted may not appear deleted but check your recycle bin to see if they are. They should be. Now EMPTY your recycle bin, and re do the above search instructions, good results should mean no sign of axel.dav or axel.dav startup. Please if you have any questions or if you could send me your results please email me back at (e-mail address removed)

I tried some of the things that were mentioned above and found nothing in my msconfig but still had my buddy axel in my system and found him in the recycler. I changed the name of the file and added $ before and after and ran a search again to find no trace of axel. I'll keep checking and see what happens.