KIS 7 has stalled - I think


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
My KIS 7 key is due for renewal, so I have just paid for, and downloaded the newest version. (Before proceeding with the installation, I first disconnected from the internet, of course.)

Anyway, the "installation" has been going on for some time now... but the "Installation in Progress" window's progress bar, looks as if it might be stuck three-quarters of the way along.

There is a second little window which says "Copying Files" kl1.sys To C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS but so far, it's progress bar remains blank.

Task Manger says that "Copying Files" and "Kaspersky Internet Security 7" are running, but I think it's fibbing.

What would you recommend I do please? It has so far taken about 15 minutes being "stuck" at this point.

Thanks for looking :)

Edit: I'm sorry - I forgot to mention that this is happening on the Vista PC
I think the only thing you can do is to end the task, restart the PC and try to re-install again :thumb:

I don't think you'll have any problems re-entering the license key again if that's what you were concerned about :)

Hopefully it will work 2nd time around :D
Thank you for the reply Ian - as I was about to cancel the installation, for some reason, I moved the window instead ... guess what..:rolleyes: there was another little window beneath it (completely hidden) which was waiting for a response from me! Doh! That was sneaky.

Anway, once clicked, it went ahead and installed, of course. Red faced, but happy again. Thank you again :D

I had the same thing happen to me once during a game installation... it happened each time I tried it and was driving me mad till I figured it out :o

Glad you got it fixed :D
err, all you needed to do was add the new key ... via; Activation/Renew key ;)

muckshifter said:
err, all you needed to do was add the new key ... via; Activation/Renew key ;)


:eek: aarrgh... I have hunted around for the past few days, checking to see whether I could just get a key, but evidently, I've been looking in the wrong places, so my piggy bank is now £35 lighter ... poor piggy :rolleyes: Drat and double drat. I knew I should have asked, but I thought it would sound a bit of a dumb question...

Oh well, one lives and learns I guess :D
oops ... it would have been a lot cheaper. :(

Never be afraid to ask ANY questions, for every question YOU ask, there are 10 people wanting the same answer. ;)

There is no such thing as a silly question. :thumb:

Yes, and I suspect I might have made an additional boo-boo too, because when it said "get a backup disk" of the programme (just in case you lose your downloaded version.....ahem,) I clicked that option too. It wasn't until afterwards, that I thought that I could probably have burned the download to a CD or DVD(?)

Oh look... here come those men in white coats, I think they are heading for me... :lol: