Windows XP Ipod software problems


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
For my birthday I gotta nice new shiny Ipod 30Gb video player thingie.

But I really cannot figure out this software, can anybody help me out here?

I'm trying to load music folders onto the player.

If I put single mp3 files into I-Tunes folder within 'My Music' (Win XP) I can open them in the I-Tunes player Library, connect player and it will load the mp3's to the Payer.

But they're in a folder named 'Most recently added' on the player. They're playing ok, they sound good.

But, on me mate's Nano, he has loaddsa different folders with just a few songs from each artist in that folder.

How do I do that?

I have the Ipod player preference within I-Tunes set to automatically Update, but the only way I can seem to get any songs on the player is to do as I've outlined above.

Hey, come on, lottsa you young guys got these Ipod's, help me out here ;)
I've got an older non-video ipod using an old version of iTunes.

What I do is create playlists (File>New Playlist) and name them ie 'ROCK' - then I drag and drop tunes from the library into the playlists.

I then update the ipod - it should then create the same playlists on it :thumb:

I hope this is what you mean - also have a look at the support site HERE.
No, I won't say it ... no, I promise ... but, I am laughing so much, I'm splitting my sides in two.

Sorry Floppy, I can't help, I played safe and bought myself a game ... mind you, I'm getting all kinds of advice on how to set it up.

You have come to the right forum though ... loads of help here. :thumb:

* I think I'll go and put the kettle on ... you wanna a cuppa? *
Thanks Ady, I think that may be it.

But I been messin' with this thing for 3 hours now, I mentally pooped.

First thing in the morning, I'll give that a go. Thank you :)
Mucks, hush up :p

Cup of tea? Uh, no thanks, me no like tea, only drink coffee ;)

But, erm, right now, a few cans of London Pride :D
floppybootstomp said:
Mucks, hush up :p

Cup of tea? Uh, no thanks, me no like tea, only drink coffee ;)

But, erm, right now, a few cans of London Pride :D
Nup, don't drink tea either ... having a nice glass of wine at the moment, may just, if I'm lucky, finish off the bottle ... help yourself to a few cans on me. :thumb:


* we'll be fine in the morning *
too pi55ed to care

I've drunk a few bottles of nice somerset scrumpy tonight, can't workout whichway the room is spinning though, the downside will be the headache in the morning, oh and the time i turn the pc on for crunching, i'm off to bed, night all & thanks for being here:wave:
Ok, Ady, I tried that, created three playlists, kept all files open in library whilst updating (didn't clear them or otherwise they disappear from playlist as well) but all songs still just go to 'Most Recently Added' on the player.

That be no good, I want seperate folders on the player.

Gotta say, none too impressed with I-Tunes....

If I can't figure out software without having to constantly look at help files then in my opinion it ain't none too clever.

Gonna go round me mate's house tomorrow, talk to his wife, maybe she can help.

And that, for now, is most definitely it, me brain's scrambled.
Sorry Flops - maybe the newer versions do it differently, or else I've forgotten how I did it :rolleyes:

As you've noticed the total music uploaded to iTunes always stays in the library - you just select the songs from there to add to your playlists.

Sorry I can't be of more help - I'm sure some spotty 12 year old will come along soon and show you how to do it :D
Alright,I sussed it.

It really does pay to RTFM :D

Basically, what I was missing is that all songs have to stay in the library after you've created playlists and also I had to select 'Automatic Update from selected playlists only'

I've still gotta figure out how to rip from a CD album and transfer to the player, just about to try that.
Oi, shut up, youse two :D

This be my thread ;)

I now copied about 10 albums to the player.

Artwork as well.

Hey, this thing be sexy, me like it :)
floppybootstomp said:
Oi, shut up, youse two :D

This be my thread ;)

I now copied about 10 albums to the player.

Artwork as well.

Hey, this thing be sexy, me like it :)
Sexy? :confused:

... you wanna borrow my glasses?

Which pocket does it live in ... :D
floppybootstomp said:
Oi, shut up, youse two :D

This be my thread ;)

I now copied about 10 albums to the player.

Artwork as well.

Hey, this thing be sexy, me like it :)
Sorry Flops...:D

Glad your up and running though - they are great little things, I take mine on hols etc and have a Altec Lansing inMotion portable speaker system for the room - gives a great sound :thumb: