Windows XP Help!! Folders on other harddrives Making them Private???

Jan 6, 2006
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I have just built a PC for my sons bedroom I have fiited 2 harddrives one which is partioned 50/50 giving be 3 local discs.
The computer will mainly be for my son but I would like to use one of the local discs on the partioned drive to store some of my files which are fairly large but that I dont require on my Laptop.
I dont really want my son to be able to access the files and I have tried making the subfolders private using the sharing and security option, but the make this folder private check box is faded grey and un checkable.
Does anyone know how to make this checkable or any other way to make these Folders/Files private?

Do not store your data on another PC ... it is too easy to access no matter what you may have read.

Stick it on a CD/DVD and lock it in a safe ... then it is only as safe as the people who have the keys. :D
or just convert the disks file system from FAT32 to NTFS.

The folder is secured using NTFS permissions hense the need for the NTFS file system.

To convert type "CONVERT ?: /FS:NTFS" at the command prompt, without the speech marks and replacing the ? with the letter of the drive you want to convert.

Once done the "make this folder private" option should be available.

I'm assuming that your using XP Home.