Ebay Scam ... again


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Sad tossers do not know I do NOT HAVE an Ebay account ...

Dear eBay Member!

As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the eBay system. During a recent screening, we noticed an issue regarding your account. For your protection, we have limited access to your account until additional security measures can be completed. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. To review your account and some or all of the information that eBay used to make its decision to limit your account access, please visit the Resolution Centre.

We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologise for any inconvenience. The eBay Team Copyright © 1999-2006 eBay.
Do not click any links in ANY email ...

** Please note: This is an automated email to confirm that we have
received your email at (e-mail address removed). Please do not reply to this
email as you will not receive a response. **



Thank you for contacting us. We understand your concern that the email
you received may not be a genuine email from eBay or PayPal. Please
treat the email you received with extreme caution. Do not click on any
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We will look into the email you have sent and reply to you as soon as

Please remember that eBay will never ask you for sensitive information,
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Most emails from eBay will appear in the My Messages section of your My
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Please bear in mind that this (e-mail address removed) email address is reserved
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Thank you for your patience. We will be in touch again soon to let you
know whether the email was a spoof email.


eBay Trust & Safety

Learn more about buying and selling safely on eBay. Visit the eBay
"Safety Centre" by clicking on the link at the bottom of the eBay
Ta ...


Hmm, ok, get quite a lot of those.

Sometimes, just sometimes, I wish I was in the same room as the person who sends that stuff to me.

Hello. Oh, I'm sorry - did that hurt? And that one as well? Oh my goodness, I'm sorry, what do you mean, you didn't invite that? I didn't invite your spam either, did I?

Oh, sorry, there it goes again, got a life of it's own hasn't it?

Would you like a tissue, I think you're bleeding.......

Thank you for sending us the email you received. We can confirm that it
did NOT originate from eBay or PayPal. The email you received was a
"spoof" email.

Please ignore the email and delete it from your email account
immediately. Do not reply to it, and do not click on any links or
buttons in the email.

What is spoof?

Spoof emails are made to appear as though they have originated from a
trustworthy source such as eBay, PayPal, banks or other companies. They
aim to obtain sensitive data such as passwords or financial information
for fraudulent use. Spoofing is also known as "phishing", and it is an
attempt to steal your identity.

A spoof email usually asks you to click on a link in the email, which
then directs you to a spoof website. The website is also designed to
impersonate the company in question and collect personal information
such as User IDs, passwords or credit card information. Sometime spoof
emails request that you enter your personal information directly into
the email.

If you are in doubt about an email you receive in the future, check your
eBay account. Most emails from eBay will appear in the My Messages
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messages is to sign in directly via the eBay homepage. To do this, go to
the eBay homepage and then click on "Sign in" or "My eBay". If you
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address ((e-mail address removed)).

What should you do now?

If you have entered your password or other information onto a fraudulent
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please visit our Help pages by copying the following link into a new
browser window:


We encourage you to take some time to read the information available in
our Safety Centre about protecting your eBay account and buying and
selling safely on eBay. To visit the Safety Centre, click on the "Safety
Centre" link at the bottom of most eBay pages.

What is eBay doing about spoof?

We are dedicated to making eBay a safe place to buy and sell and we take
the issue of spoof and phishing very seriously indeed. Both eBay and
PayPal work closely with internet providers, police and other law
enforcement agencies around the world to investigate reports of spoof
emails and websites. Whenever possible, we assist in the prosecution of
people involved in phishing activities.

eBay has joined the Government, banks and other household names in an
initiative called "Get Safe Online" to offer information and tips on
online security. To visit the Get Safe Online website, please copy the
following link into a new browser window:


How can you contact eBay Customer Support?

We are committed to answering your questions as quickly and accurately
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an automated process. Please do not reply to this email as you will not
receive a response.

If you have other queries or you need assistance with your eBay account,
please use our Help system by clicking on the "Help" button at the top
of any eBay page. From there you can click on "Contact Us" to send an
email to eBay Customer Support.

Thank you again for reporting this email. We appreciate your assistance
in our efforts to keep eBay a safe place to buy and sell, and wish you
continued success and enjoyment on eBay in the future.

eBay Trust & Safety
FBS, forward 'em all to Ebay ... maybe we can fill their inbox up ...

yeah i get loads of these emails from

"loyds tsb"
and nearly every other bank you can imagine except...the bank i actually use hsbc :lol: