Do you trust Microsoft ... ?


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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By (e-mail address removed), BetaNews

November 30, 2005, 10:53 AM

Microsoft is waving goodbye to Symantec and McAfee it seems. On Tuesday, the company opened the doors to its Windows OneCare Live beta, a PC protection and maintenance service that offers an antivirus and firewall, along with tune-up and backup functionality.

Any Windows XP SP2 user can now register to download the latest beta release.

"Windows OneCare is built on the goal that protecting your PC should be easy and intuitive" ...
So it will un-install Internet Explorer and install Firefox ... no?

Windows OneCare Live is not compatible with other antivirus software and requires it be removed.
oops ... poke in the eye for all AV venders there then.

OneCare will not work with Windows Vista
haha ... double oops ... AV venders reprieve ... yes/no?

Full story

Think I'll stick to Linux. ;)
Reefsmoka said:
You don't HAVE to install it ya know ;)
Wouldn't put it past MS to do that for you ... automatically ... ;)

And I can't install "it" even if I wanted too ... :p
Frodo said:
Do i trust Microsoft??NO:)

me neither, i wonder how long until it comes on the XP install discs and you cant remove it? do you reckon it has filters for P2P programs and illegal software ?
Me__2001 said:
me neither, i wonder how long until it comes on the XP install discs and you cant remove it? do you reckon it has filters for P2P programs and illegal software ?
No it can't have ... MSN would stop working.

muckshifter said:
Wouldn't put it past MS to do that for you ... automatically ... ;)
I agree with Mucks, wouldn't be surprised to see it arrive as part of an SR upgrade, with the details written in the small print somewhere.

Keep you eyes open!
CITech said:
I agree with Mucks, wouldn't be surprised to see it arrive as part of an SR upgrade, with the details written in the small print somewhere.

Keep you eyes open!

Yep I agree!!:thumb: MS:p suck!! I would not trust them in any shape or form:rolleyes: and thats putting it politely:eek:
I'm on the fence here, as it would probably be better for the general user to have an AV/Firewall installed by default - but I wouldn't like the level of control and lack of choice I would lose.

If they did roll this out across the board there would be a massive antitrust case against them no doubt, as the other AV vendors wouldn't take kindly to it ;)
I actually think, overall, Microsoft OS's are quite good, apart from ME.

True, they're full of flaws on release but those flaws are often only exposed because there's a whole army worldwide who seem to get some perverse kick out of trying to disable every home user's operating system.

That's not a blow against Microsoft, that's pure spite and really quite pathetic.

An army of pimply youths who couldn't pull a female if it was thrust upon them, Losers. Only way they can get their kicks.

But I digress.

I wouldn't trust Microsoft as far as I could throw them. They have been guilty of some of the most underhanded, dirty and downright despicable business practices ever.

A Monopoly bloated on greed.

Bill Gates is the richest man in the world. He doesn't need all that money. He could sell Win XP for £30.00 with no activation and still have enough money to live 50 lifetimes.

And maybe even be popular.

But no, if he sniffs competition, he either buys it out or tries to stifle it one way or another.

Give our William half a chance, he'd follow in Adolf's footsteps when it comes to World domination.

And no, before you think it, I'm not jealous. Bill will die hated by a large section of World's population. If I were in his shoes, I'd certainly want enough money for all the toys I could muster, but I wouldn't want to be hated. He'll die despised, what kind of a life is that?

I'm really pleased to see Linux Distros (free) have finally reached a stage where even somebody with a passing knowledge of operating systems can do almost anything they can in Windows.

Good to see, I think Linux is actually a real threat now.

So, to sum up, do I trust Microsoft? No way. Not at all, never.
As Far as The MS software... I've been happy. I personally never really tried anything other than 98se and XP. I messed with 2000 and spent weeks trying to fix a freinds ME, I was not impressed.

I do however have the Microsoft Anti Spyware beta. I think it works well... it gives you a lil popup when ever a program tries changing your start up or most other configurations. It can be annoying but comforting as well. Though It wanted me to do a large update. I don't know what changes that will make but it seemed like a pretty big download. I cancled it adn just did a definitions update.
I dont think anybody in the whole world trusts microsoft, but we don't really have much choice. As a platform, Mac has always been my favourite as they always look so cool, and are quite innovative for a multi-million $ cooperation. Unfortunately, Macs cost twice as much, sometimes more, and although mac software (omg GARAGEBAND!) is often much better there is NO compatability between itself and windows, and so much of the popular sofware (games, utilities etc) are not compatable.

Linux therefore is the best os. It is secure, non-profit and has the best symbol known to man. However due to you not being able to play games etc i am not inclined to use it myself. Hopefully one day the whole world will go open source - yay firefox.