Windows Vista Desktop Display Gone Missing


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
I shut down my system for 5 minutes and when I booted up again I have no desktop display. :confused: The lower task bar is present and I can open most programmes from there. Everything appears to working well.

I tried rebooting but no success. The desktop is there because on startup it does show momentarilly before the screen goes black. It seems to be trying to load up because the egg timer is there beside the mouse arrow, all the time. On shut down the desktop again is visible for a split second before everything finally closes.

I tried resetting the destop from Control Panel but again no success.

Kaspersky has not picked anything up.

Any bright ideas out there?
I've tried System Restore twice with different restore points. Both times it brought up a message stating that the system was NOT restored - there was an error.

A troubleshooting scan shows that there is no problem !!!!!

What next?
nivrip said:
I've tried System Restore twice with different restore points. Both times it brought up a message stating that the system was NOT restored - there was an error.

A troubleshooting scan shows that there is no problem !!!!!

What next?

This one has got me to, been searching since you first posted and come up with nothing..Try doing a repair install
Thanks for the replies guys.

Here's a bit more info. Just before I lost the desktop I had a very annoying little window stuck on the screen for about 24 hours. It was something to do with Hewlett Packard ( I have two pieces of their hardware ) To get rid of it I shut the system down and on reboot it had gone but so had my desktop !

I've had a look in Event Viewer and there are several references to "Desktop Window Manager has exited with code Ox40010004" occurring at the time the problem arose. There are also references to Hewlett Packard, at the same time, with long strings of of codes and items that can not be found.

I'm sure that the two things are connected. Do you think that removing EVERYTHING to do with HP might solve the problem?

Try doing a repair install
Thanks mxg, I might try that but I'm very much a non-techy and might need guiding by the hand. :thumb:

Have you tried using Last good known config, by pressing F5 at boot?
Thanks Wiz, I will give it a go. :thumb:

Unfortunately, I have to dash out now so I'll try these things this evening. :nod:

Tried F5 at boot and nothing happened. :mad:

Another system restore also failed. :mad:

Try doing a repair install

Not sure on this one. I put in the Microsoft Install disc. Should there be a Repair section on it? I can't find one - have I missed it?
Try running msconfig and untick any startup items related to HP - it could be that one of them is causing something to crash :thumb:

It might also be worth loading the task manager, end the "explorer.exe" task under "processes" and then run it again via File > Run. If that fixes it temporarily then it's just a bug in something loading at startup.

I think it was a registry corruption, if you have any registry backup (older date) try restore registry.

Anyway, next time, I always suggest you to keep system mechanic or equal software installed and always
backup registry hive. Almost 90 per cent problems in pc are due to registry corruption.

I am not sure, whether or not you have changed desktop theme, sometime incidentally changing theme may also cause this problem. A safe boot and restore should correct the problem I think. Or registry backup will surely do.
itsme said:
If you right click on the desk top what shows?

I have a totally black screen with the mouse pointer, which I can move around, and the egg timer which suggests to me that it is trying to display. Left or right clicking does nothing.
It was something to do with Hewlett Packard ( I have two pieces of their hardware )

Ah! now I saw that:o Now tell me what HP hardware you using? dont tell me a monitor???
itsme said:
Now tell me what HP hardware you using? dont tell me a monitor???

A fairly ancient scanner and a a Photosmart printer. Both have worked perfectly well over the years and have not been used for several weeks. No monitor.
Mm.... :wall: Well I would do a check with all connections [Monitor] also try another monitor if possible... Failing that it would be quicker to do a re-install. as you could spend hours if not days trying to resolve the issue and still end up back where you started.
Ian Cunningham said:
Try running msconfig and untick any startup items related to HP - it could be that one of them is causing something to crash :thumb:

It might also be worth loading the task manager, end the "explorer.exe" task under "processes" and then run it again via File > Run. .

Thanks Ian. :thumb: Unticked HP startups but no joy. :mad:

As to explorer.exe there are two of them listed. :confused:
Ian Cunningham said:
Try them both, it can't do any harm :)

No change after trying.
One more thing. If I go into Computer>Program Files>HP Scanjet right clicking causes Program Files and the menu for HP Scanjet to freeze completely and I can only get rid of them by closing down the whole system and then rebooting. Looks like a problem with HP Scanjet. Should I remove the program through Control Panel?
Yep it might be worth removing all HP software and temporarily unplugging the scanner if you think that could be the cause of the problem.
I'm unable to uninstall the HP programs. Tried Control Panel,deleting from Program Files and the Uninstall feature in Ccleaner. None will delete and Ccleaner tells me that "another program is being installed and to wait before uninstalling" :mad:
You install HP package again, then only you will be able to unisntall everying as you have deleted some parts, without its installation package it will not allow you to uninstall. It is also a matter of cause that without seeing anything how can you install the program???????????

I am using Revo uninstaller which I found very much helping than anyother program. you may try,

You start your pc in Safe Mode then try ???????????? Safe Mode will show everything ...