Windows XP cannot play movie with .mkv

Apr 5, 2005
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All right boys and girl... this is what I got... Just spent like a week downloading 13 episodes of Anime... ony to find out that they are not .avi but this odd .mkv Nono of my players even recognised it at first. SO I did a little research and got this small codec pack named Matroska_Pack_Lite_v1.1.1 and its supposed to be all I needed to watch thses files. Well now the files are recognised by the players but still won't play... keep getting error window saying xvid.dll not found. So I uninstalled the codecs and obtained a media conversion tool called MMConvert. It says it can convert these files from .mkv to .avi and all sorts of others... well every attempt fails. I am ruinning Windows XP SP2 ... Have full versions of Windows Media Player, Real Player, Divx Player, WinAmp, Interactual player, and Nvidia player. none of them work... any advice?
Thanks ME... I read through it...looks like I havea few more hours of tinkering when I get home.

Edited----YEAH!!!! Nice find ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! The full pack did the trick... I don't even need the Real media is playing it just fine.
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OK now I need to convert them into AVI... ive tried 3 programs all failed..... xvid.dll not found
well no longer get the error... but files still fail... some one told me that .mkv is not actaully a codec but a contianment file. So their is one video file and mulitple streams of audio and subtitle. These movies for instance all have Japanese and English audi... and subtitles which can all be turned on and off.
matroska is a general use container format, and as a result of that MKV files can contain many tracks with different audio and video compression formats.

yep, what are you using to encode them ? what format are the files your trying to encode ?
Thans you Mucks and ME you guys helped alot

eCheck this out... I just got a program called VirtualDubMod... it lets you seperate the stream and create custom AVI's out of the matroska files. So now I have converted all those files into AVI's . Now I am converting them into .gbm which means Game Boy Media.... Muahahahahaha why do I waste my time... because I can't bring a dvd player to work... but a gameboy is small enough to fit in my pocket... and not as expensive as a PSP. Also note.. that the hardware and software I am using will be fully compatabile with the DS and the Gameboy Micro thats comming out. If anyone is intersted let me know and I'll tell you how and where to get your stuff.