Anti-Spyware definitions finalised


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
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The Anti-Spyware Coalition (ASC), an alliance of software companies, security firms and consumer groups, finalised its definitions of spyware on Thursday.

The group defined spyware and other potentially unwanted technologies as those deployed without appropriate user consent and/or implemented in ways that impair user control over: material changes that affect their user experience, privacy, or system security; use of their system resources, including what programs are installed on their computers; and/or collection, use, and distribution of their personal or other sensitive information.

With the definitions of anti-spyware put on paper, let us hope that the companies producing the software do a better job of giving real protection from spyware so the consumer can have more confidence that their PC's are well protected.

Read full story at The Register
Hmmm. :rolleyes:

The document, which contains a fair amount of technical detail, is designed to help consumers to better understand how security products work, as well as offering anti-spyware companies guidelines for their own proprietary rating processes.
That's like saying "it's an awfully nice day" :p
